E4 is available.
The listing for 3024 N Calvert Unit E4 can be viewed by clicking on the link below. We are currently active on the MLS and an Open House is scheduled for Sat NOON-3pm. As the listing agent, I’ll be there: http://search.meredithfineproperties.com/idx/details/listing/b004/MDBA2134962/3024-N-Calvert-Street-N-E4-Baltimore-MD-21218 Co-op documents are loaded on the MLS in a location realtors can access so they can read rules, financials etc. Tiffany Cloud, Realtor Meredith Fine Properties (570) 751 8637 www.meredithfineproperties.com Purchasing a Co-opWhile the Board of Directors may help to facilitate sales of individual units, acquiring a home at Calvert Court largely follows the procedures of other real estate purchases. However, there are a few distinctions that set apart buying a co-op apartment:
3024 N Calvert Street
Baltimore MD 21218 |